Mindreåriges brug af internettet
By accepting the Terms of Use the User declares that he/she is an adult over 18 years of age or, if he/she is under 18 years of age, that he/she has received the necessary consent from the person/persons with parental responsibility and that he/she will provide the details of him/her if requested to do so. Those with parental responsibility for minors must protect them from access to adult content and are solely liable otherwise.
It is the policy of Greek Wine I/S not to check in advance the material or information provided by each user. Greek Wine I/S shall not be liable for any access via the Internet to information, goods and services contrary to the law, morality or inappropriate or inappropriate for certain categories of persons, in particular minors.
If the user considers that the Material or part of it infringes in any way its rights or rights of third parties, he may send an e-mail to Info Susanne@greekwine.dk specifying precisely the Material or part of the Material that he considers offensive and the reasons for his claim.